If you are experiencing issues with your water pressure, the best way to address it is to call the water department directly at 636-379-5488, or go to the O’Fallon web site at https://ofallonmo.mycusthelp.com/webapp/_rs/(S(wp1dtzc305dkx1bec3pzqhwq))/RequestOpen.aspx?sSessionID=17486175THMPSFUF[[MVIGHCKBWNJWEEQZWCWIEK&rqst=77
They will come to your home at no charge and check your pressure. You can also find a PDF on the O’Fallon web site with tips on how to improve your water pressure.
Go to https://www.ofallon.mo.us/images/pubs/water/Water_tips.pdf and open the file.
Ron Connell