Many of you may not be aware of this program, but if you have outdated prescription medication that you wish to dispose of, the City of O’Fallon has a drop box in the lobby of the new Justice Center on Bryan Rd. Simply dump the medication in a plastic bag located in the lobby (not the container only the pills), then drop it in the slot on the wall. More details below.
Drug Take-Back Program
For the month of March we took in 100 lbs. of unused medications. As a reminder, April 27 we will be participating in the DEA’s Drug Take Back Day from 10am-2pm at the Justice Center.
Drug Take Back Collection Program is always open. Safely dispose of your unwanted prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Located in the foyer of the Justice Center, 1019 Bryan Road, and is accessible 24 hours a day/7 days a week. This is a free service.